

house inspection

Did Your Home Inspector Find Mold: Here’s What Happens

You’re probably one step closer to closing the deal to your dream home. However, sadly, your home inspector finds mold in your property; what will you do?

Truly, this is unfortunate to find in your potential forever home because mold can be one of the most hazardous problems one could have in their home. When you have mold, it won’t only damage the integrity of your property, but it can also affect your respiratory health.

When this happens, the seller should address the problem before starting any transactions and closing the deal. But of course, you also should make the issue known.

The seller should address the problem before the transaction continues when it comes to mold. In other instances, the buyer must deal with the issue. With that being said, it’s so important to ensure that you work with credible home inspectors to ensure that the property you’re planning to buy is in great shape.

What Should I Do If My Home Inspector Finds Mold in the Property?

1. Make Sure the Seller Will Take Care of the Problem

First and foremost, you should work with your real estate agent to make sure the seller is responsible for the mold issue. After all, they should have addressed the issue since they’re the ones who allowed the mold to thrive in the first place.

If the seller doesn’t, then you should negotiate the prices and make sure the mold is addressed as soon as possible.

2. Work with a Trusted Home Inspector

You should always work with a home inspector to ensure that they take care of the mold issue. Because of this, you should find a home inspector you trust who has a lot of experience in dealing with mold. Make sure the home inspector has a long history of helping customers deal with mold and other issues as well.

Ensure that your home inspector will confirm the contamination with lab results, are licensed, and that they understand the dangers of having mold thrive in an environment.

3. Work with a Mold Removal Company

While your seller will address the issue, it’s important to suggest that a reputable mold removal company will eliminate the mold issue in the home.

You mustn’t try to remove the mold yourself because you might hurt yourself or not be able to take care of the problem. If a trusted company comes out, they will address the problem, which is exactly what you should do.

The Bottom Line: Your Seller Should Resolve the Mold Issue in Your Future Home

At the end of the day, it’s your seller who will address the mold issue. After all, they’re the ones who allowed the mold to grow and thrive in the first place. With the right home inspector, the right mold removal company, and your real estate agent, you might be able to get rid of the mold.

However, if you don’t, you might have to negotiate and work with your seller so they can resolve the issue before you close the deal.

How Can We Help You?

When it comes to buying a home, one of the most important tasks that you need to do is to get a thorough home inspection. Thankfully, Ally Property Inspections is here to help. 

Ally Property Inspections have years of extensive training and experience in inspection services. If you’re looking for premium home inspectors in Atlanta, give us a call at (205) 607-0031!

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