

Renovation Inspection, Home Inspection

An Inspection for Renovation: Everything You Have to Know

The business of flipping houses has grown in popularity as a result of home improvement television shows. Today, there is a considerable amount of knowledgeable, trustworthy, and reputable professionals who flip properties. “Flipping” or renovating properties is done for the purpose of making a place beautiful, upscale, modern, and functional all at once.

Some people are either unaware of what they are doing or use shortcuts to make the house appear more desirable without addressing the underlying issues. Either way, not being thorough with home renovations and home inspections could cause further damage and costly expenses in the long run. As such, you must call professionals to guide you in the process.

Read on to discover the most common concerns to raise during home inspections to get the best home renovation possible.

Concerns to Raise Regarding Renovation Projects

Remodeling and renovating are bound to cause or reveal problems in the place. This is why it is crucial to get into every corner and know what you’re dealing with. Here are the common concerns you may discover and eventually have to raise:

1. Insufficient Insulation in the Attic

Because the vast majority of potential homeowners do not inspect the attic, they will miss this.

2. Panel Concerns

Common safety issues include two wires connected to a single breaker or insufficient wires. Each one can be lit on fire.

3. Lack of Electrical Outlets

Unless you engage a house inspector and have them correctly analyze all of the available outlets, you won’t find out about this problem until after you’ve moved in and begun using the outlet.

4. Wiring Issues in the Crawlspace or Attic

Knob-and-tube wiring is commonly used in homebuilding. This electrical system should be inspected by a licensed electrician.

5. Windows Painted Shut

Paint is frequently used as a sealant on windows by inexperienced painters. Although it may not appear to be significant at first look, this could be a safety hazard. In the event of an emergency, a painted-over window could keep you trapped inside.

6. Crawlspace or Basement Plumbing Issues

During inspections, it is important to turn on the water to see if there are any plumbing issues. On a regular basis, drain and supply pipes spring leaks.

7. Rusted Pipes

Pipes composed of galvanized steel may rust on the inside. Rust limits water flow, resulting in lower pressure in the fixture.

8. Termite Infestation and Damage

Termite damage is something that is regularly seen in older crawlspaces. Pre-renovation examinations may miss hidden issues.

9. Humidity Issues

When exposed to damp, outside walls, flooring adjacent to doors, the flooring beneath bathrooms, and kittens all decay. The damage could be minor or severe enough to cause structural failure.

10. Structural Issues

In crawlspaces, wood and rusted automobile jacks are typically employed to give structural support.

11. Improper Venting

To adequately eliminate moisture, dryers should vent externally and must not add to the moisture level indoors.


All houses, including those that have been updated or renovated, require inspections. Every home has a number of concerns that need to be addressed, especially if a homeowner wants to do a big renovation. 

If you want a house inspection, you need to be very careful when choosing a team. This way, you need not worry about missing out on the nook and crannies of your newly-renovated home.

Are you in need of a home inspection in Atlanta, GA? Ally Property Inspections is a team of well-trained professionals whom you can trust to look after your home and give you excellent service. Give us a call today to learn more!

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