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The Pros and Cons of a Seller’s Presence at Home Inspections

Getting home inspections in Birmingham is a necessary step when a home is being sold. In a nutshell, a home inspection done professionally involves a property overview from top to bottom. This is carried out by a licensed, reputable inspector who takes the time to look a property over for an evaluation of its present condition. How long that will take depends on any issues found, as well as just how big the home being inspected is in the first place.

Home Inspection

Real estate contracts typically have a home inspection contingency in them. This gives buyers a particular time frame to reach out to a home inspector and get it done. It’s called the period of due diligence; it’s key to have a realistic, current idea of the property’s state. More than one inspection by qualified contractors might be asked if the inspector sees the need for it. If the home inspection results are not satisfactory to the buyer, they can choose to have the real estate contract terminated at that point.

There’s been some back and forth about whether or not the seller, who owns the home, should be present during these inspections. It’s their home, after all; they cannot be physically removed from it. 

It’s also worth considering that the seller might not feel comfortable leaving the home they’re living in. A key reason might be the presence of pets, which makes it difficult for them to have their home just open for several hours.

In truth, there are pros and cons to the seller being present. Read on to learn more about it.

The Pros

1. A Transparent Deal Can Happen

It sounds like a great thing to have a fully transparent real estate transaction. Having the seller during the inspection and hearing the information first-hand will allow everyone to have a more relaxed sense of going into things. However, it’s worth noting that going that route will all but eliminate negotiation power. 

A fairer deal can be made when everyone is on the same page about the state of the home.

2. There’s Better Access for the Inspector

This one is self-explanatory; there are things in the home that inspectors cannot touch without the permission of the owner. Items affected can include the electrical panel of a home, which are key parts of inspections. Sometimes, an inspection ends up being rescheduled, or a re-inspection needs to occur. 

The Cons

1. Conflict Can Occur

Since negotiations are still happening as the inspections happen, having buyer and seller together can cause conflict. In case the buyer wants to make changes, the seller may take offense. There are also questions the buyer may ask which can’t be answered due to confidentiality.

2. They Might Be a Hindrance

There are sellers who don’t fully grasp that it’s the inspection of the buyer. That means they could end up asking questions that lead to misunderstandings or the aforementioned conflict. Having the seller there could also lead the buyer to feel uncomfortable or awkward.


Home inspections are typically part of contingencies in real estate contracts. Having the seller there comes with pros and cons. Pros include better access for the inspector, while cons include the possibility of conflict.

Looking to get a home inspection in Birmingham? Reach out to Ally Property Inspections today! Our experienced and trained property inspectors are dedicated to excellent inspection services.

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